(330) 484-9537





June 19th, 2020
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Peace for Pets has suspended operations for the time being. We look forward to being active again when the virus has been contained. Thanks for your patience!

Jersey’s New Life

March 21st, 2017

Jersey the dog looking upAfter a long wait, Jersey was placed in an adoptive home in December (2016). The wait was worth it as the home is wonderful and she is an only-dog and they are empty-nesters. Everyone is happy with this success story!

Domestic Violence & Pets

March 21st, 2017

Facts about the Link Between Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty

Why it Matters

  • Most U.S. households have pets, and pets are often considered part of the family. Recognizing the bonds between victims and their pets, many batterers threaten, harm, and kill pets in the home in order to control, intimidate, and retaliate against their victims.
  • 71% of pet-owning women entering domestic violence shelters reported that their abuser had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control victims. 32% reported their children had hurt or killed animals.
  • Read the rest of this entry »


March 21st, 2017

WhenPeace for Pets first met Jersey, her “human” mom had entered a domestic violence shelter here in Stark County. Sadly, Lucy’s mom will never be able to take her back because she was killed by her abuser not long after she left the shelter . . . she was not able to make that “fresh start.” Jersey is now an orphan.

When we are unable to reunite a pet with its owner, Peace for Pets seeks an adoptive home for the pet as soon as possible so that they can begin adjusting to their new life.

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Peace for Pets Receieves Grant from The Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust

July 24th, 2014
Kenneth Scott charitable trust lgo

Peace for Pets, Inc. recently received a grant of $6,605 from The Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust located in Cleveland, Ohio. The purpose of the grant is to “grow” the organization’s Safe Haven program which provides short-term foster and medical care for the pets of owners – primarily women – entering domestic violence shelters in Stark County.

The Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust is a private foundation focused on preventing cruelty to animals and promoting the humane treatment of animals, particularly companion animals such as dogs and cats, and other species of animals commonly kept as household pets.  Kenneth Allen Scott (1891-1977) was a Cleveland businessman, engineer, and philanthropist whose passion was showing and rescuing dogs.  He executed  a Trust Agreement by which KeyBank NonProfit Services continues to direct his assets for the benefit of animals, in keeping with his wishes.

Peace for Pets wants to expand to serve additional companion pets and in turn, recruit additional volunteers and foster homes to work with this increase in companion pets who are able to leave the abusive situation with their owner so that they may seek out the help that they need. Peace for Pets, Inc. provides a Safe Haven for these pets for up to 90 days while their owner receives services from Domestic Violence shelters in the area. The animals are fully vetted, spayed or neutered if needed, brought up to date on vaccinations, and treated for minor health problems. When they return home to their owner, they bring with them supplies for three months of care, such as food, litter and litter pan if appropriate, a new bed, toys, leash and collar, and preventative care fleas, ticks and heartworms among other things.

We are very grateful to the Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust for choosing us for this grant, and we look forward to sharing their generosity through our upcoming program expansion.

FERAL CATS TAKING OVER? Humanely and Effectively Control Cat Populations with TNR

March 13th, 2014

Drawing by BZTAT (www.bztatstudios.com)

Feral cat populations are abundant in rural, suburban, and urban areas. Fighting, marking territory, and litter after litter of kittens are trademarks of unaltered feral cat communities. These nuisance behaviors can be eliminated through TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return). Through this method, stray and feral cats are humanely trapped, vaccinated for rabies, and sterilized by a veterinarian. They are then returned to their original habitat.

TNR immediately stabilizes size of the cat colony by eliminating new litters. Nuisance behavior is dramatically lessened simply because the urge to mate has been taken away. The returned cats guard their territory, preventing un-neutered cats from moving in and starting the cycle of overpopulation. When practiced on a community-wide scale, Trap-Neuter-Return reduces the number of cats pouring into local shelters, lowering euthanasia rates.

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