Trap Neuter Return of Free Roaming Cats
The goal of Peace for Pets ~ Feral Cat Action is the humane treatment of local feral and stray cat populations in Stark County, Ohio
We are currently offering TNR Training with small groups or individualized consultations which encompass:
- Why Trap-Neuter-Release Works,
- Establishing Good Community Relations,
- Equipment and its Use,
- Trapping Entire Colonies,
- Trapping Hard to Catch Cats,
- Safely Handling Feral/Stray Cats,
- Preparing for Spay/Neuter Surgery,
- Setting up a Recovery Space,
- Post Operative Care,
- Release of the Cats & Management of the Colony.
We have an inventory of low cost feral cat shelters so that we can make them available to cat colony caretakers. The shelters will be built with donated materials and volunteer carpenters. We hold events to build these shelters periodically and always need volunteers.
In 2010, Peace for Pets began a program to loan humane traps to Stark County residents who participate in the Trap-Neuter-Return of feral felines.
Residents who wish to trap, neuter & then return feral cats to their outdoor home are able to borrow traps at no cost. A $40.00 deposit is required and is refunded when the trap is returned.
We are in the process of establishing a separate TNR phone number.
Most importantly, we need to continue to educate the public about and the benefits of TNR, the necessity of spaying and neutering companion animals and the humane treatment of all animals.